Monday, 9 September 2013

Difficulty understanding Fully Dynamic Randomized Algorithms for Graph Spanners

Difficulty understanding Fully Dynamic Randomized Algorithms for Graph

My professor gave a file like this during class:
Fully Dynamic Randomized Algorithms for Graph Spanners by S. Baswana, S.
Khurana, and S. Sarkar
and we were to report about it in class. The problem is we have no
background whatsoever on graphs yet when the professor suddenly gave this
to us so we're having a really hard time fully understanding it in time
for the day of the class report.
I was wondering if anyone has any references to suggest that is similar to
the topic in the link but is shorter and easier to understand. Preferably
those that can be viewed online. PowerPoints, summaries, and/or
discussions are welcome as well.

EDIT: Note: Most professors in my university doesn't accept wikipedia
articles, blog articles, or any sites that have editable contents as
"official" references in reports or submitted papers. They may sometimes
be okay with us reading and taking notes from those sites, but we never
include them in the reference citation. What the professors would most
likely consider as acceptable online references are usually the ones
coming from school websites (those urls that have .edu).

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